
Reference Applicantsort ascending Application Date Proposal Status
19/04140/FUL Mr John Owen 20th September 2019 Conversion of an existing agricultural barn into student accommodation (12... Granted
20/01005/DIS Mr John Owen 6th March 2020 Discharge of Conditions 3 (Drainage), 4 (External Materials), 5 (Bats) and 6 (... Granted
20/01004/DIS Mr John Owen 6th March 2020 Discharge of Conditions 4 (Historic Buildings Recording), 5 (Details of... Granted
18/05338/TCA Mr John Long 19th November 2018 To remove 1No Cypress tree and replant with an ornamental tree in the same... Consent By Right - Trees
21/01474/FUL Mr John Glover 12th April 2021 Erection of a single storey extension to front and two storey extension to rear. Granted
2 The Paddocks Pitchford Shrewsbury Shropshire
21/02881/DIS Mr J Owen 8th June 2021 Discharge of Conditions 3 (Drainage) 4 (Landscaping) and 5 (Lighting)... Granted
20/00669/LBC Mr J Owen 17th February 2020 Works to facilitate the conversion of outbuilding to form 12 student... Granted
21/04594/LBC Mr Henry and Ms Haigh 6th October 2021 Internal and external alterations to create second kitchen affecting a grade II... Granted
3 Frodesley Court Frodesley Shrewsbury Shropshire
23/00234/TCA Mr David Woodhouse 20th January 2023 Crown reduction of 1no. Common Walnut (T588) to clear building by 2.0 metres (... Consent By Right - Trees
The Warren Acton Burnell Shrewsbury Shropshire
23/00235/TCA Mr David Woodhouse 20th January 2023 Fell to ground level 1no. Ash (T618) within Acton Burnell Conservation Area Consent By Right - Trees
9 Acton Burnell Acton Burnell Shrewsbury Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

Planning applications within the Parish borders and to be dealt with by the Council are located on the left of this page.